Big butterfly count

Become a beastie hunter in our wildflower meadows. Explore the small things and help with the Butterfly Conservation’s ‘Big Butterfly Hunt’. All equipment supplied; this is a great way to

Hannahston Community Woodland nature day

Visit our ‘wildlife exhibits’ stall as we support the Friends of Hannahston Woods. Lots of family nature fun including tree planting and pond dipping organised by The Galloway and Southern

Spring into nature

Join our Community Engagement Officer as we take a gentle stroll around the picturesque Fullarton Woods. This old estate is now a public greenspace and is cared for by the

Wildlife wander

Come on an early spring walk and see our wildlife reserve as it awakes from its winter slumber. Enjoy a leisurely pace as we walk about 5km on level paths

Build a bird box

Learn about how you can help our garden birds this coming nesting season. Build a garden bird box to take home or donate to a local greenspace. Children’s crafts are

Wonderful willow

Join us for this hands-on, practical conservation session. Find out all about wonderful willow, learn techniques for cutting and re-planting our willow hedge on this riverside wildlife reserve. The location

Tree planting

Celebrate National Tree Week by helping to plant a holly hedge! We are establishing a wildlife friendly hedge using evergreen holly which will provide a safe haven for many wildlife

Reserves ramble

Come on an eight-mile walk around four wildlife reserves in Irvine. We will take in Gailes Marsh, Shewalton Sandpits, Oldhall Ponds and Shewalton Wood. Find out how we are managing

Bat and moth guided walk

Join us on a night-time prowl to discover bats, moths and other nocturnal creatures. An after-dark adventure for all the family. All ages welcome; all children must be accompanied by

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