Wildlife and farming
Roger Manning will talk about the links between wildlife and farming and how they can best work in harmony This talk will take place at Duns Parish Church Hall, TD11 …
Duns Parish Church Hall,, 6 Church Square, Duns TD11 3DD | Google map
Tenstmuir coastal walk with lunch
Get rid of the winter cobwebs with a refreshing walk along the sea shore at Tentsmuir Forest in Fife. Bring your binoculars and see how many bird species your can …
Links Road North carpark, Tayport | Google map
Live talk: Scottish Wildlife Trust Riverwoods project
A live talk about the Riverwoods project, an initiative designed to grow and restore healthy riparian woodlands and river systems across Scotland, by Rosie McGuigan, Riverwoods Partnership Support Officer. This …
St Andrew's Church Hall, St Andrew's Church Hall, Leny Road, Callander FK17 8AL | Google map
Bumblebees in the Cairngorms – talk and Q&A
Speaker Annie Ives works for Bumblebee Conservation Trust on a local project called “Skills for Bees: Scotland”, which aims to improve long-term monitoring of bumblebees in the Cairngorms by empowering …
The Tryst, Church of Scotland, Church Road | Google map
Dragons and Damsels talk
Jennifer Davidson from the British Dragonfly Society will explain the fascinating life cycle of these versatile insects. Meet at Trinity Church, Manse Place, Falkirk FK1 1JN. The meeting room is accessible …
Trinity Church, Manse Place | Google map