Update on FR3

You may have been wondering why there hasn’t been any news in recent weeks of our young satellite tagged osprey, FR3. Unfortunately it would appear that we have lost contact

Our Chicks are Ringed!

Yesterday Keith Brockie was at Loch of the Lowes and he ringed our two osprey chicks. The youngest (smallest) is Blue PH1 and the oldest (largest) is PH2. The whole

Sound on the Osprey Nestcam

A little while ago we wrote about the vandals attacking our microphone on the osprey nestcam. These were great tits who were pulling the fluffy covering off the microphone to

Osprey Update

After what seems like weeks of hot sunny days, the rain has come! The land could certainly do with a soaking and the level of the loch was Our ospreys

Reflections on Slovakia

Sitting here in the office at Loch of the Lowes it’s hard to believe that just 2 days ago I was in Slovakia. Over the course of the week my

A Final Update from the SPO Team

Life is going well for our breeding ospreys and their two chicks. The chicks are now 18 and 13 days old and are looking a bit different from their first

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