Skeletons in the woods

With spring leaping in to action the leaves are starting to come out on the trees. The remains of last years leaves are still around though, with drifts of dry

Walking on eggshells

More wildlife clues have been discovered this week. This eggshell was found on the woodland path, when it narrowly escaped being trodden on by an eagle-eyed school group from Carluke.

4 Weeks In

It is now 4 weeks to the day since the Falcon laid her first egg. This time has flown by and I can’t believe we are closing in on hatching.

Our webcam is working

Regular visitors to the Scottish Wildlife Trust website and our webcam pages will have noticed the lack of live peregrine footage. We have been having technical difficulties not only with

More Food Storing

The falcon stored food again today. As mentioned a few days ago, she can sense when low pressure is on the horizon and plans ahead. As previously it was a


It’s been an all dancing display on the river recently. Not only were there dippers dipping, but there was also a wagtail wagging! I hadn’t quite got the hang of

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