The return of the forest bug

I previously blogged about shield bugs and specifically a forest bug (Pentatoma rufipes) found on the reserve. The one I found wasn’t quite in its adult form, but recently I

Flower power

The lily pad that featured in a previous blog is now bearing beautiful bright white flowers with strong yellow centres. The water-lily (Nymphaea alba) or white lotus is a popular

Buzzing about

Probably the least favourite of our buzzing insects is the wasp. Their distinctive yellow and black banded body and the buzz that accompanies them provoke fear in most people. An

Flashy falls

The waterfalls are looking tremendous at the moment. This is due to work being done on Scottish Power’s Hydroelectric power station, which means no water is being extracted to power

Otter or other?

One way of detecting hard to spot wildlife, is by setting camera traps which are activated by movement. This is a tactic we often use at the Falls of Clyde

A transformation

In July I blogged about the moth eggs and caterpillars that were decorating the trees with cobweb like creches. Well now the caterpillars have pupated and all over the reserve

A feathery find

Most feathers are difficult to I.D. because they all look very similar and there are detailed books to help you tell the difference. So I was delighted when I found

Fairy flower

Campanula rotundifolia is most commonly referred to as the Scottish bluebell or harebell. These flowers are a favourite with many people and deservedly so. Their delicate papery flowers nod happily

It’s not a spider!

I’ll be the first to admit that I am a bit squeamish when it comes to spiders. The fact that harvestmen aren’t spiders, but closely related to them makes me

Lounging on the lily pad

Whilst on the reserve last week we spotted a common frog in the pond in the tree nursery. It was in a classic frog pose, just hanging out on the

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