How to make sloe gin

Last year I collected sloes from blackthorn bushes across the reserve. I did however make sure to leave enough for our winter birds to feast upon. Sloe gin is a

The Cormorant Returns!

The cormorant which has been seen on the reserve in previous years has made a return. These seabirds may be more commonly associated with the rocky coastal areas, but it

Dipper Display

Among the many bird species seen along this stretch of the Clyde one of the most regularly seen is the Dippers (Cinclus cinclus). These portly little birds are often seen

Autumn Antlers

Autumn is a great time to see fungi on the reserve like this Yellow Stagshorn (Calocera viscosa) which loves the soil of conifer woodland especially around tree stumps or fallen

Birds of a feather…

Follow on from the previous post, other birds that flock together include long tailed tits that will huddle together on a branch overnight for communal warmth. Some birds will even

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