Exciting News of Blue YD: 2nd of May

Blue YD's Journey to 1st of May- copyright SWT
Blue YD’s Journey to 1st of May- copyright SWT

Our young osprey has continued his maiden ‘voyage’ northwards on his first ever spring migration, and has made it as far north as the town of Smara in Western Sahara. The area he is travelling through is a very arid one, characterised by rocky deserts with little vegetation. The sparsely populated area is also disputed territory and  is  south of the Anti Atlas Mountains of Morrocco .

After turning east from the coast on the 28th of April ( possibly due to foggy weather) , he roosted in the desert dunes on that night and early on the 29th turned more northerly again,  zig zagging his way to another overnight stop 110miles from the coast on the 29th. On the 30th he flew to a rocky outcrop such as this one:

Western Sahara
Western Sahara


Blue YD's desert roost
Blue YD’s desert roost

One the morning of the 1st of May he flew north again towards the town of Smara, and is only 140miles form the coast.

So far he is flying strongly, navigating well and we all have high hopes for him!

Ranger Emma


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Our young osprey has continued his maiden ‘voyage’ northwards on his first ever spring migration, and has made it as far north as the town of Smara in Western Sahara. …

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