Wildlife Diary

A quiet day at the Loch of the Lowes osprey nest today,  with both birds taking turns incubating in the wonderful spring sunshine. The male brought in a  good large  fish early this afternoon, so our female Osprey wasn’t hungry all day at least.

One funny moment Lindsey observed however, was when the male brought in a stick- well more of a twig really- which he placed on his mates back as she sat incubating. This is common behaviour, though quite what purpose it serves, we don’t know! What was amusing though was that he then proceeded to clumsily stand on the same stick, which meant his weight was pressing her down, and she was not at all impressed!

In other wildlife news today, Goosander have been spotted on the loch and Long Tailed tits along our woodland walk.

Dawn at Lowes by Bryan Turnbull

 Our early morning Osprey Nest Protection Watch shift were treated to this lovely sight from the hide this morning: a fabulous sunrise and our resident Otter in full view.

Otter April 29th By DAvid Mylan

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A quiet day at the Loch of the Lowes osprey nest today,  with both birds taking turns incubating in the wonderful spring sunshine. The male brought in a  good large …

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