Wildlife Village 2 December 2010

Hi All

Just a quick update on our changes.

Firstly to let you know that the registration and moderation changes are in place to lighten the load on staff a Lowes.  We were spending 4 hrs a day between us to moderate this blog and keep it updated so this change  will help us enormously.  There will be other changes taking place over the next few hours and days to improve this service for you the blogger.  Please keep sending in feedback on errors and problems on this page http://www.swt.org.uk/info/contact-us/blog-error-report/ this will help us solve your problems, if you don’t report it we can’t attempt to solve it.

Please remember to use the link provided to report errors, if you mention it in a comment it may be overlooked and not dealt with. http://www.swt.org.uk/info/contact-us/blog-error-report/

Thank you for your patience and help as we go through these changes.


Hi All

It looks like most of you got to grips with the registration without any real problems.   We will still read every post at the moment to make sure there is nothing offensive posted.

It looks like another snowy day , the weather in this country never used to be this predictable.

Have a good day


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Hi All Just a quick update on our changes. Firstly to let you know that the registration and moderation changes are in place to lighten the load on staff a …

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