Loch of the Lowes Info 11th Oct

We hosted an event last night for Wild Connections last night (hence the late camera action) which was a talk on wildcats and pine martens. Unfortunately Moss didn’t show up, but the mozzy-type flies did, in their millions. Charlotte and myself have spent the 2 hours hovering every nook and cranny in the visitor centre and sweeping the ceiling! They are also congregating behind the shutters on the windows so I got a lovely face-full of the little critters when I opened up this morning. Feeling itchy now!

Thanks to Peter’s expert camera skills, some of you will have spotted the woodmouse munching away in the squirrel box about 20.50pm. Can you spot his ears?

Moss made his first showing at 1.23am and stayed for 7 minutes, returning again at 4.20am, but didn’t stop for any food. Another early morning feed at 6.07am for 4 minutes on the tall feeder before moving onto the low feeder for 2 minutes.
A few deer meandered past and our hungry hedgehogs are still fattening themselves up.

Species list for today:
Gt crested grebe x2
Mute swan x4
Canada goose x3
Mallard x29
Tufted duck x14
Wigeon x1
Swift (?) x1
Pheasant x4
Wood pigeon x2
Gt spotted woodpecker x3
Dunnock x1
Robin x1
Blue tit x8
Coal tit x7
Great tit x5
Tree creeper x1
Chaffinch x46
Greenfinch x5
Siskin x3
Woodmouse x1
Red squirrel x1
Stoat x1
Seen night of 10/10 – 11/10
Pine marten x1
Fallow deer x3
Fox x1
Hedgehog x2
Woodmouse x1
Midge/mozzy things x5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

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We hosted an event last night for Wild Connections last night (hence the late camera action) which was a talk on wildcats and pine martens. Unfortunately Moss didn’t show up, …

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