Osprey Diary 15th July
We are all hoping here at Lowes that the weather will finally improve today as it has been the wettest and coolest period so far this season. Not that the rain isn’t welcome, with the Loch (and our well) so low, however, the rain has made life difficult for our ospreys.
The male (and female) have certainly had their work cut out fishing as the wind has created substantial waves on the lochs and visibility is poor. All the wild birds have been using the more sheltered bays on the leeward side of the loch for foraging and roosting. The ospreys, young and old, have been sitting in the sheltered trees across from the nest the last couple of days, hence the empty camera for so much of the day.Don’t worry it is normal for the youngsters to continue to use the nest for some weeks, and most of the fish deliveries will still take place there. We should be able to enjoy views of them for some time to come- before the real withdrawal symptoms kick in for all of us as the chicks migrate into their future.Emma RawlingPerthshire Ranger
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We are all hoping here at Lowes that the weather will finally improve today as it has been the wettest and coolest period so far this season. Not that …