A Cycle Ride for Ospreys

Most of you will be aware that one of our volunteers here at Loch of the Lowes is undertaking a mammoth cycle journey to raise funds for our project to hopefully satellite track our osprey chicks this year.

Toby Green started his mammoth 1,000 mile trek this weekend in Cornwall and is cycling unaided  to John of Groats. You’ll be pleased to hear that Toby is doing well, and left Cheddar in Somerset this morning.

We will be including regular updates of his progress on the Blog , but to follow  Tobys’ journey in more detail and to sponsor his journey, please visit:


Toby Green said:  “This is one of the ultimate challenges for a cyclist to undertake in Britain.  I aim to cycle at least 100 miles per day for 14 consecutive days and, unlike other organised cycles I won’t have a support team behind me.  I’ll be carrying all my equipment including my tent on my bike and I’ll be pushing myself to see how far my legs can take me.

”This will be an incredible journey, but nothing compared to the migration made annually by ospreys.  I’m sure at the end of my ride I’ll be even more in awe of the amazing endurance of one of Scotland’s most incredible raptors.”

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Most of you will be aware that one of our volunteers here at Loch of the Lowes is undertaking a mammoth cycle journey to raise funds for our project to …

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