Osprey Diary 28th May

Our female osprey has been pretty much glued to the nest today, unwillingly to leave for long even when offered food by the male. She has also been very fidgety and has been shuffling the eggs a lot. Could this be a positive sign that something could finally be about to happen with one of the eggs? It is impossible to be sure as our view of the eggs is so limited at the moment ( who else is cursing that inconvenient clump of moss right now?). However it is the first promising sign we’ve seen in a while as these are normal behaviours prior to hatching.

Just as frustrating for us all is the lack of new satellite tracking data on Blue YD which is now 48 hours overdue. The satellite has received no new data from the tag but this coincided with the pre-programmed timetable change, which makes us suspect it is a technical issue, not a problem with the bird. We are seeking help from the satellite company and will let you know as soon as we know anything at all.

Stay tuned…..

Ranger Emma

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Our female osprey has been pretty much glued to the nest today, unwillingly to leave for long even when offered food by the male. She has also been very fidgety …

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