Osprey Diary Wednesday 28th August

Apart from a fish delivery at ten to seven this morning, not much happened on the nest until half past 11, when both ospreys returned to the nest. The male had the remains of a fish in his talons, but the chick wasn’t getting any, so they were soon off. Blue YZ has been on and off the nest most of the afternoon, calling for food. We were beginning to wonder if she was going to get anything at all (or, perhaps, try fishing for herself), until her dad gave in and brought her a nice big brown trout at half past 5.

There have been several birds out on the loch today, including goosander, tufted duck and great crested grebe, as well as a pair of heron standing together at the other side of the loch.

The feeding station has been quite busy again, with at least two different red squirrels bounding about, and three woodpeckers. As has been happening for several days now, one of our jays visited the chopped peanut feeder right in front of the window just after 4 ‘o’ clock.


David Mylan

Visitor Centre Assistant

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Apart from a fish delivery at ten to seven this morning, not much happened on the nest until half past 11, when both ospreys returned to the nest. The male …

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