Osprey Questions

Thank you to everyone who has sent in Osprey questions recently – whilst I may not be able to send everyone a personal answer, I will try to share all

Wildlife Diary 8th April

The important news first: no eggs yet on our Osprey nest, though the female is looking increasingly more inclined to stay on the nest and has rearranged the moss in

Goosing around

The river just outside the Visitor Centre has been a favourite spot for a pair of goosanders recently.  Goosanders aren’t actually a type of goose, but are ducks belonging to

Wildlife Diary 7th April

As we approach the exciting time when we might be expecting eggs, our staff and volunteer team here at Loch of the Lowes have swung into action with our 24hr

Wildlife Diary 6th April

 Some of you might have noticed my name on yesterday’s blog instead of Emma’s so I thought I tell you a bit more. I’m the new Wildlife Interpretation Officer and

Eggs Spotted!

Thanks to a very keen visitor this morning we know there are certainly 3 eggs. He was able to see in briefly during a changeover from further down the path

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