Wildlife Diary 14th April

A return to normal , pre-incubation behavior for our female osprey today, who has spent plenty of time on the nest but shown no signs so far of egg laying

Wildlife Diary 13th April

Hello it’s Lindsey on the dayshift doing the blog today; we’ve let Emma go home for some well earned, and much needed, sleep, as she is on nightshift again tonight.

CSI Clyde

On Saturday, just yards from the peregrine watch site, we were met with this grisly scene.   It was obvious something had been killed here and on closer inspection of

Exciting News

The moment we have all been waiting for: we beleive the first egg of the 2012 season has been laid by our resident female Osprey tonight. At around 10.20pm our

Egg Update

We believe that our resident female osprey laid her first egg of the year at around 10.40 last night. She showed all the classic signs of eggs laying: sitting in

Wildlife Diary 11th April

Whilst we wait for our ospreys to produce eggs on the famous Loch of the Lowes nest, the poor birds have been putting up with intruders (yesterday especially) and poor

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