Walking on eggshells

More wildlife clues have been discovered this week. This eggshell was found on the woodland path, when it narrowly escaped being trodden on by an eagle-eyed school group from Carluke.

From the Nightwatch Team

Night watch notes from Loch of the Lowes  We have now completed over a week on night watch duty and have been observing our bird’s nocturnal habits during this initial

Wildllife Diary 20th April

The really exciting news of that we have a third osprey egg laid this afternoon- a blessing beyond our wildest hopes this season. Our resident female bird showed classic signs

4 Weeks In

It is now 4 weeks to the day since the Falcon laid her first egg. This time has flown by and I can’t believe we are closing in on hatching.

Wildlife Diary 18th April

After all the excitement over the arrival of our two precious Osprey eggs, things are now settling down to a nice routine on the nest as incubation commences. It will

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