King or Queen?

How do you tell a female kingfisher from a male? The simple answer is lipstick! Male kingfishers have a fully black beak whilst females have red on the lower mandible,

Safety in numbers

It is the time of year when starlings are beginning to flock together; many of these birds are actually migrants from Scandinavia who stay here over the winter months. There

Feeding frenzy for our bats

A few weeks ago we held our last of a series of events to celebrate the Clyde Valley Woodlands National Nature Reserve’s 5th Birthday. The event, ‘Moonlit mammals’ focussed on

Unmistakable blue flash

We have had over a dozen sightings of our resident kingfishers over the past couple of weeks. These dumpy bodied, long beaked birds are unmistakeable due to their electric blue

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