Farewell and Heartfelt Thanks to Ainoa

Today we say a fond farewell to Ainoa Pravia my wonderful assistant ranger who has been volunteering with us for more than six months. Ainoa joined us on our residential trainee program and threw herself into the hard work of reserve life with great gusto. She brought real scientific expertise and great enthusiasm to our summer survey work, especially in her favorite area of invertebrates. She has helped me all year with the dirty practical work, running events, hosting school groups and much much more. She proved herself so indispensible that she stayed on to deputize for me whilst I took some annual leave on November. She has done a great job, especially on the Osprey satellite tracking and blog as I am sure you will agree.

I personally cannot thank her enough for all her help and for the insight and skills she has contributed to our team.  She is notoriously camera shy, but here are a couple of pictures of her.

We wish her the very very best in her future conservation career- we hope to see a lot more of her.  EMMA

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Today we say a fond farewell to Ainoa Pravia my wonderful assistant ranger who has been volunteering with us for more than six months. Ainoa joined us on our residential …

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