Wildllife Diary Thursday 7th June
Our wee Osprey chick continues to do really well today despite the strange dearth of fish deliveries by dad- the fishing conditions have been ok but he just seemed to be a bit reluctant to get on with it! The Great Crested Grebe continues incubation on its lily pad nest, and our woodland bird feeding station seems awash with young fledglings all chasing and nagging their parents for food.
The Ranger team have been out this week at another of our reserves at Keltneyburn meadow. This fabulous reserve is one of the best wildflowers meadows around and is at the moment just coming into its best in a blaze of colour. The more you look, the more you see, as many of our native wildflowers are small and delicate and easily missed, but none the less beautiful. Our team counted five species of Orchids and more than fifty other flowering plants this week- and that’s just for starters. Summer is the ideal time to visit this reserve, so check out our reserve page at http://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/reserve/keltneyburn/ to find out more.
Alternatively join us on our upcoming Keltneyburn Guided Walk on Saturday the 16th June, from 11am- 2pm. Your ranger will be leading a gentle walk amongst the meadow and helping people enjoy and identify the many orchids and flowers, as well as look for dragonflies on the pond. If you’d like to join us, please book a place on 01350 727337 or erawling@swt.org.uk. Cost £3 adults, £2 members and concession, £1 children ( not suitable for under 5’s). Id guides supplied , bring a picnic!
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Our wee Osprey chick continues to do really well today despite the strange dearth of fish deliveries by dad- the fishing conditions have been ok but he just seemed to …