Wildllife Diary 20th April

The really exciting news of that we have a third osprey egg laid this afternoon- a blessing beyond our wildest hopes this season. Our resident female bird showed classic signs

4 Weeks In

It is now 4 weeks to the day since the Falcon laid her first egg. This time has flown by and I can’t believe we are closing in on hatching.

Our webcam is working

Regular visitors to the Scottish Wildlife Trust website and our webcam pages will have noticed the lack of live peregrine footage. We have been having technical difficulties not only with

Wildlife Diary 18th April

After all the excitement over the arrival of our two precious Osprey eggs, things are now settling down to a nice routine on the nest as incubation commences. It will

Wildlife Diary 17th April

Great news folks: our female osprey laid her second egg of the 2012 season this evening around 5.35pm, and we saw it clearly at 5.40- another lovely reddish brown speckled

Wildlife Diary 16th April

 Our ospreys have had to put up with another osprey intruder today ( perhaps the same cheeky bird who flew past yesterday with a  fish in tow) , which caused

Osprey Q and A Continued:

Q: How many eggs do Ospreys lay? A: Two or three is the usual number of eggs for an established breeding pair of Ospreys.  Rarely four eggs are laid, although these

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