A Good News Story

Some of you may remember we found a  very poorly wee hedgehog here at Loch of the Lowes reserve  last autumn, stumbling around in broad daylight, confused, dehydrated, and very underweight. With some first aid, good professional advice from our friends at Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue centre, and lots of TLC from his expert carer over the winter, we are pleased to report the hedgehog has thrived.

On release day

Not only has he almost doubled in body weight, he is a strong and as fit as a hedgehog can get and we are very happy to report he was successfully released back at Loch of the Lowes recently. It is particularly important to re-release wildlife where they came from originally, after rehabilitation, as this gives them the best chance of survival.

We are hoping to see him around the woods at Lowes from now on, though as he is nocturnal it may be mostly the folk on Osprey Watch nightshift and you eagle-eyed webcam viewers who spot him.  

A big thank you to our volunteer Dennis Buchan who not only donated food for the wee spiny chap over the winter, but also made him a  great hibernation/nesting box which we’ve installed at Loch of the Lowes.

A grand home for a Hedgehog

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Some of you may remember we found a  very poorly wee hedgehog here at Loch of the Lowes reserve  last autumn, stumbling around in broad daylight, confused, dehydrated, and very …

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