Visitor Centre redevelopment update
Good news everyone! – from this coming Saturday the visitor centre here at Loch of the Lowes will once again be open daily, from 10am-5pm. Works on the toilet refurbishments and the construction of a new storage shed will be continuing during the week but we hope that these will be finished within the next couple of weeks.
If you haven’t been to Loch of the Lowes recently now is a great time to come – the feeding station is teeming with chaffinches, greenfinches, siskins, great spotted woodpeckers and all the other regulars. Redpoll’s have been putting in frequent appearances recently – we had up to 4 at one point last weekend, and a yellowhammer was also seen for the first time in months. The red squirrels are very active and will no doubt have begun thinking about if not actually collecting material for their dreys in readiness for breeding.
If all that isn’t enough to tempt you to visit us on Saturday from 10am-2pm we are hosting a FREE event in the centre, which is being run by Ranger Emma & Ann-Marie MacMaster from the ‘Scottish Mink Initiative’.
Anne-Marie will be giving an illustrated talk followed by a workshop. Come and find out why American mink are a problem and what you can do to help – from reporting sightings to monitoring a mink raft to trapping. You can become as involved as you like!
To book call Anne Marie on 07825 186043
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Good news everyone! – from this coming Saturday the visitor centre here at Loch of the Lowes will once again be open daily, from 10am-5pm. Works on the toilet refurbishments …