Loch of the Lowes Wildlife Blog 6th January 2011
Good morning all,
Clear skies greet us here at Loch of the Lowes today, with the light smattering of snow that we had yesterday afternoon providing fresh cover on top of the still lying ice.
It was a relatively mild night with an overnight low of -1 degrees, however the forecast is that it will drop much lower tonight (predicted -8 according to the BBC).
Charlotte, with the help of one of our trusty volunteers did a grand job of gritting the paths around the VC yesterday afternoon, so at least visitors won’t be sliding round the reserve!
On the wildlife front we now have both webcams back up and running, so there’s plenty to keep everyone entertained.
Have a good day,
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Good morning all, Clear skies greet us here at Loch of the Lowes today, with the light smattering of snow that we had yesterday afternoon providing fresh cover on top …