Loch of the Lowes Wildlife Blog 10th January 2011

Morning all,

No more snow here at the Lowes but its still thick on the ground.

Weekend temperatures dipped to -8 again but thankfully the forecast for this week is that it should be getting milder (& wetter) so we may finally begin to thaw out!

I was watched very closely by a cheeky little robin perched on a nearby branch as I filled up the feeders this morning, and was also entertained by the sight of two male pheasants having a sparing contest over the best patch of snow!

Mallard numbers around the VC remain high (30 odd) despite Peter informing me that there is a good number down the far end of the loch where a patch of open water has opened up.

Have a good day,


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Morning all, No more snow here at the Lowes but its still thick on the ground. Weekend temperatures dipped to -8 again but thankfully the forecast for this week is …

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