You call that a fish?

Finally our ‘new’ male  ( green leg ring 7Y) has fufilled his role as provider this afternoon, after the female spent much of the day shouting at him and demanding

7Y back

Hi All He proved me wrong, 7Y is back and with a fish this time. But our female is getting none of it at the moment. Peter

Hail and Thunder

Our weather is unpredictable at this time of year it makes you wonder why ospreys come back here at all. Yesterday we had sun, hail and to top it off

Great Osprey Cycle Run

Hi All Wouldn’t it be great if we could satellite track our osprey chicks this year. If you want to help us do just that. Go to this page

Come home pretty bird

We are having another day of excitement on the osprey nest today.  This morning we had an osprey with a red leg ring, which we believe to be a male,

Our female osprey

Our female osprey has had a busy couple of days being a media star, and delighting us with wonderful veiws here at Loch of the Lowes. She has been spending

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