Cameras going offline

Hi All I am having to shut down the cameras for about half an hour. i will get them back on ASAP. Thanks for your patience Peter

Osprey Diary 13th April

As some of our keen watchers have already spotted, our female osprey seems to have settled in the nest this morning, looking suspiciously like she is ready to lay an

Stop Press- We have an Egg!

The first osprey egg of 2010 has been laid this morning , sometime between 7.30am and 8.40am. During this time the female was very restless and obviously laying, but didn’t

Help us study the osprey

The osprey team here at Loch of the Lowes would like to include  all you keen web watchers in our osprey studies this year.  You can help us keep a

Osprey Diary 12th April

Our female osprey has spent much of the weekend preparing the nest for egg laying- making the centre cup very deep by scraping it out with her feet, and rearranging

Blue Tit activity

Hi All I just changed cam 2 over to a nest box. A pair of Blue Tits are working hard building their nest. I do hope you don’t mind the

Camera Problems

Our apologies for the occassional blackouts on the camera – for some reason the camera seems to switch itself off every few hours for a wee rest, and has to

How to Train your Man

Our osprey lady has not been leaving the nest much today , just for the odd quick stretch, and seems to be settling in to ‘domestic’ mode prior , we

Three is a Crowd

As several posts have mentioned, our osprey nest here at Loch of the Lowes is getting rather crowded!  Today on at least two occassions, there have been three birds at

Satellite Tracking

In response to some questions and comments about satellite tracking ospreys, we’d like to share our policy and views on this issue. We are hoping to raise enough money this

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