Wildlife Village 3 December 2010

Hi All

In the next few days we will be reversing the order of the posts so the latest comment will be at the top and the oldest at the bottom.  This will save you scrolling down the page evrey time you login.

You will also have noticed we have implemented a tool to allow users to edit their posts for up to 60 minutes after posting and they can delete their posts for up to 5 minutes after posting.

We will get there.


Good Morning all

For those having problems registering, the problems have in the main been with users with a btinternet.com or AT&T addresses.  These servers have blocked the activation e-mails sent by us so if you have an alternative e-mail address please try that to register.   There have been other issues but this is the main one at the moment.   We now ave 111 users registered we will endevour to get the rest of you registered ASAP.


The snow is comming down in Perth again so I will be working from home. Charlotte will out up a Lowes post shortly.


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Hi All In the next few days we will be reversing the order of the posts so the latest comment will be at the top and the oldest at the …

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