Osprey Diary 23rd July
Another beautiful morning at Lowes with more sunshine and the happy sight of lady and her two youngsters on the nest, feeding happily.
Those of you who have been worrying about the smaller chick getting enough food, will be glad to hear it had a breakfast fish all to itself this morning at the crack of dawn! Nature’s survival of the fittest’ rule can be harsh, but in this case the wee one is getting enough to get by at the moment. However, it is certain that the bigger chick will be at an advantage, with extra fat reserves to call upon if times are hard. This may be particularly pertinent come migration time in a few weeks- although there is a great deal of luck involved in surviving your first trip to Africa for a young osprey, having a good bodyweight to start with will certainly help.Many of you will have also noticed the amount of intruder activity around the nest over the last week or so. This is not surprising really, given the timing of other young ospreys in nearby nests also fledging, and their parents also frantically trying to keep up with the demands of teenage mouths! The ospreys alarm calls you are hearing are not too serious (unlike earlier in the season when there was a serious risk to chicks etc) but more of a symbolic protest at the neighbours getting too close.Emma RawlingPerthshire Ranger
5.30pm update- we are desperately trying to get the cameras back up, sorry folks!
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Another beautiful morning at Lowes with more sunshine and the happy sight of lady and her two youngsters on the nest, feeding happily. Those of you who have been …