Osprey Diary 18th May
On this peaceful and dark night just before dawn, it seems like a wonderful time to look ahead to what we are hoping for in the coming days. The earliest possible hatching date for the first egg is the 18th May- yes that’s today!!!!! More likely it will be around the 20th though, this being 37 days incubation which is normal.
The second egg is due to hatch between the 21st-23rd or so, and the third and final egg is due between 23rd and 25th. It is possible that any of the eggs may be a couple of days later, but we are going on historical averages here.
So, all eyes are on the nest…and all fingers crossed
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On this peaceful and dark night just before dawn, it seems like a wonderful time to look ahead to what we are hoping for in the coming days. The earliest …