Osprey diary 16th May
More drama this morning with an un-ringed intruder harassing our couple again. The Lady started alarm calling at around 4.20am this morning to alert her mate and scare off the upstart. The intruder did land on the nest but Lady did a sterling job of fighting him off (any male should know he won’t win when a female is that angry!). The intruder stayed in the area flying over the nest several times until around 6pm when the Laird returned with a fish which he dutifully delivered to Lady before flying off to chase a crow. Lady was left to eat her breakfast on the nest before flying off to stretch her wings. Unlike the Laird, the female won’t leave the eggs unattended for more than a minute and always stays close to the nest.
At 7.45am the Laird was seen landing in a tree with a fish and after eating the head, returned to the nest to give our Lady another treat which she managed to get away from the nest to eat this time.
The intruder is still hanging about but hopefully our pair will see him off sooner rather than later.
Not long until hatching dates now!
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More drama this morning with an un-ringed intruder harassing our couple again. The Lady started alarm calling at around 4.20am this morning to alert her mate and scare off the …