Osprey diary 15th May

No doubt many of you will have seen the drama unfold this morning, but for those of you who were enjoying their weekend lie-in, our male decided yet again to fly off and leave the eggs unattended. Luckily the female can back within 10mins so all was well. However, there is an intruder about who has twice landed on the Lady’s back in an attempt to mate with her, but she is having none of it and has seen him off! Good girl! The intruder doesn’t appear to have a leg ring but we haven’t managed to get a close up of him yet to have a good look. We’ll keep our eyes peeled. The male has since brought a somewhat small fish to make up for his disappearing act earlier, but I think he’ll need to do some more groveling to make up for it!
It looked like a few cracks had appeared in one of the eggs this morning, but on closer inspection they are just bits of grass, so no need to panic!
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No doubt many of you will have seen the drama unfold this morning, but for those of you who were enjoying their weekend lie-in, our male decided yet again to …

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