Double Joy: Osprey Diary 22nd May
And then it was two! Our second osprey chick fo 2010 joined us last night at approx 7.45 pm and appears as healthy and characterful as the first. It started to hatch about lunchtime but a lot of the action took place underneath mum. When a fish was delivered by the male, which was still flapping, some chaotic moments on the nest resulted in the new chick being unceremoniously dumped out of its remaining shell a bit abruptly! No harm done though, as it has opened its eyes and put its head up instinctively already. It hasn’t yet fed ( as dad didn’t have any luck before nightfall) but it should be fine tucked up warm under mum until dawn- let’s just hope dad does an early breakfast!
It is interesting that though the eggs were laid three days apart, they have hatched only a day apart ( IE the first egg was incubated for 37days and the second egg only 35 days)- will the third egg similarly be on the early side? Only time will tell. Emma Rawling
8am: Two fish this mornng and two happy wee chicks!
P.S. Please bear with us today with a short delays in responding to blog posts- it is going to be very busy here at the reserve with so many people coming to see our beautiful wee chicks on this glorious sunny day, but we’ll do our best. Thanks Emma and Rinchen.
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And then it was two! Our second osprey chick fo 2010 joined us last night at approx 7.45 pm and appears as healthy and characterful as the first. It started …