Osprey Diary 29th April

More drama on the osprey nest today with an intruder osprey near the nest three times this morning.  Whilst it didn’t get close enough for us to identify, it got more than close enough ( with 50 feet) for the resident male to get very upset indeed- he is certainly taking his job as nest defender seriously.  

One the cheerful side, 7Y brought in no fewer than three fish yesterday- a record for him, and perhaps a sign that all of us who have doubted him can stop worrying about his ability to provide for our lady and their offspring. This morning he brought in a very nice trout – perhaps he is widening his hunting territory too.

Emma Rawling

Perthshire Ranger

P.S. Keen eyed webwatchers may have spotted the first blue tit egg laid in the nest box on camera two- it will probably be the first of half a dozen or more, and the parents will begin to incubate once they are all laid. Until then it will be safe and snug in the bedding in the box.

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More drama on the osprey nest today with an intruder osprey near the nest three times this morning.  Whilst it didn’t get close enough for us to identify, it got …

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