Today there were 3 peregrines!
Incubation duty was the order of the day for our peregrines again today. The female did a very long non stop stint for 6 hours, she seemed pretty restless by …
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Incubation duty was the order of the day for our peregrines again today. The female did a very long non stop stint for 6 hours, she seemed pretty restless by …
The eyrie we have this year is causing me to use a lot of guesswork! Our pair have chosen to nest on a ledge, where a rock and various plants …
No change at our eyrie today, the birds continued to take turns incubating. I was beginning to think we may have had another egg as our pair were constantly sat …
The sun was shining all day again here at the falls of clyde, it was so warm it felt like our peregrines should be feeding chicks by now! Incubation continued …
Both birds continued to incubate today, although there were still long periods where no bird was on the eggs. This shows that we have not got the third egg, just …
There were further developments at the eyrie today. At 09:30 this morning the female was sat incubating when she sat up uncomfortably, and showed signs that she was laying another …
We have an egg! Although only just visible behind the infamous rock on the grassy ledge, the falcon was incubating for a couple of hours this afternoon. She was showing …
Hello everyone, Welcome to the new breeding season at the Falls of Clyde! My name is Tom Wells and I will be the peregrine protection officer for 2012. I have …
Our peregrine falcons have been making a regular appearance on the reserve for the past month or so. Last Tuesday our practical volunteers and our new seasonal staff had the …
We closed the Peregrine site up yesterday, the bottom path has now been reopened and the top path closed off. It has been another successful year at Operation Peregrine with …