2nd chick update 23rd May

We are thrilled to report that following another successful hatching this morning, our pair of ospreys now have two hungry mouths to feed. During the earlier hours of this morning,

Hatching Update 22nd May

Following the initial wave of excitement as we got the first clear view of our newest arrival, I can now share with you the details that preceded this wonderful sight.

Osprey Update 19th May

With all fingers currently being crossed for hatching over the next week or so, here at Lowes we’re hoping for as little drama as possible. However, when it does rear

Webcam Gremlins!

Good morning from a bright and very breezy Loch of the Lowes! Just a quick note to apologise for the lack of webcam earlier this morning: it should now be

Osprey Update 10th May

For those of you who are regular osprey followers and webcam watchers I’m sure you are aware that incubation time here at Lowes is usually peaceful and uneventful – unlike

Hedgehog Awareness Week

This week marks National Hedgehog Week, designed to raise awareness of these beautiful but endangered animals and to inspire us with ideas of how we can help them in our

Osprey Update 3rd May

Despite the recent constant changes in the weather conditions here at Lowes, in the last few days life at the eyrie has been quiet. With our first egg of the

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