The story of fledging so far…

It’s with great excitement that I write this blog following the announcement of such eagerly anticipated news, after two of our three chicks at Lowes fledged on Sunday evening! Both

Osprey Update 12th July

We are aware that a short time ago our male osprey brought back a fish to the nest which unfortunately contained a fishing hook and nylon thread. Whilst feeding, the

Fledgewatch 2015 Begins!

Excitement is building at Loch of the Lowes as we await the fledging of our three osprey chicks. As they enter the ‘fledging window’, they are becoming more and more

A Fish Delivery!

Here is a wonderful image of our male osprey bringing in a fish for the family! Photo: Copyright Dave Tarvit 2015.

Ringing Update

The webcam is now back online – thank you to everyone for your patience during this very exciting time. I am happy to confirm that the ringing and tagging process

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