Weekend Roundup

 Whilst the incubation of eggs by our resident Osprey pair is overall going very smoothly, there have been a few dramas over the last couple of days. On Saturday both

Wildlife Diary 5th May

Our HD webcam is back up and running after our volunteer camera technician Lindsay came to the rescue again – many thanks! He has also sorted out our Blue Tit

From the Nightwatch Team

Night watch notes from Loch of the Lowes  Thankfully the weather has been much kinder to our Osprey pair over this last week, with little rain and only light winds.

Web Camera Troubles

Our apologies for the webcam image looking different today- we have left the web stream on the backup/ night vision camera source today, which is of lower definition. This is

Wildlife Diary 1st May

What beautiful spring sunshine here at Loch of the Lowes today – perfect for May day! As our Osprey incubation continues, we are entering the third week of the eggs

Wildlife Diary

A quiet day at the Loch of the Lowes osprey nest today,  with both birds taking turns incubating in the wonderful spring sunshine. The male brought in a  good large

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