Wildlife Blog 4th June 2011

Good evening all, Events at the nest today: Today our osprey pair has had to contend with another interloper in the vicinity of the nest at 10:50am. But this bird

Daily blogs

Dear all, We would like to let you know that as we move into summer and our Visitor Centres’ become busier, bringing more tasks for our Ranger and her team

Issues at Loch of the Lowes

 Hello all, We are really sorry to report that due to issues with reserve maintenance being carried out, we currently have no phone line, email access or webcam footage at

Issues at Loch of the Lowes

Hello all, Thank you for your patience whilst the webcam was down. I hope you all enjoy reading today’s blog, updating you with the events that have taken place since

Wildlife Blog 2nd June 2011

Good evening all, Events at the nest over the past two days: Our osprey pair has continued to incubate the eggs determinedly over the past two days with both birds

Wildlife Blog 1st June 2011

Events from the nest today: Incubation of the eggs continued on the nest today with both ospreys taking turns throughout the day. The female was seen chasing a crow away

Wildlife Blog 31st May 2011

Events from the nest today: Our famous osprey pair continue to incubate the three eggs here at Loch of the Lowes, with our female incubating throughout the night. At 4.18am

Wildlife Blog 30th May 2011

Events from the nest: Today has carried on much the same as usual with both ospreys turning the eggs regularly and several egg duty swaps throughout the day.  7Y has

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