Wildlife Blog 20th July 2011

Good afternoon all, Events from the nest today: 09:00 – Female on nest. 10:55 – Female leaves nest. 10:56 – Female returns to nest, calling. 11:50 – Female leaves nest.

Osprey egg fertility update!!

Good news!!!  – the eggs we retrieved from the osprey nest were fertile.  Initial results from tests on the eggs have shown that the eggs definitely had started to form.

Wildlife Blog 18th July 2011

Events On The Nest:  This morning the nest was empty until 9:58 when the female returned and began alarm calling. At 10:13 the female began mantling on the nest and

Wildlife Blog 15th July 2011

Good afternoon all, Events at the nest today: 09:30am – Both birds on nest. 09:55am – Male leaves nest. 11:09am – Female leaves nest. 11:45am – Female returns to nest.

Wildlife Blog 13th July 2011

Good afternoon all, Events at the nest today: 09:40am – Female flies off nest, then returns two minutes later. 09:53am – Male returns to nest. 09:55am – Male leaves nest

Wildlife Blog 11th July 2011

Good afternoon all, Events at the nest today: Our resident female Osprey was on the nest at 9am today and could be heard contact calling her mate, the male eventually

Wildlife Blog 5th July 2011

Good afternoon all, Events at the nest today: There has been very little activity on the nest today. Neither bird was seen spending any length of time on the nest

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