Osprey Diary 18th May

On this peaceful and dark night just before dawn, it seems like a wonderful time to look ahead to what we are hoping for in the coming days. The earliest

Webcam 2 problems

Hi folks, If you are experiencing problems with webcam 2 can you let me know here and what the specific issue you’re having is. I can then get a better

Toby is a star!

Toby completed his mammoth journey at 3pm yesterday afternoon when he reached his destination of John O’Groats. I’m sure you will all join me in saying a massive ‘well done’

Osprey diary 16th May

More drama this morning with an un-ringed intruder harassing our couple again. The Lady started alarm calling at around 4.20am this morning to alert her mate and scare off the

Osprey diary 15th May

No doubt many of you will have seen the drama unfold this morning, but for those of you who were enjoying their weekend lie-in, our male decided yet again to

Toby’s update 15th May

Hi folks, What a lovely day! We headed up through Lairg and Strath Nather in lovely weather, heading for Betty Hill. Bird life was prolific with loads of whinchat and

Webcam problems…again!

Morning folks, Sorry about the webcams being down again. I’m working on it and hopefully they’ll be up and running again very soon. Thanks for your patience. Fiona Update: The

Camera problems

Hi All I have started working on our problem with the cameras. I will let you know when I have sorted the problem. Sorry for any inconvenience. Peter Latest news:

Osprey Diary 14th May

News from the Nightwatch The nights here at Lowes are getting shorter but definately not less eventful! It isn’t really dark here now until after ten PM, and when our

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