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Trust welcomes publication of Scottish Pollinator Strategy

The Scottish Wildlife Trust has welcomed the publication of the Scottish Government’s Pollinator Strategy. The main threats to Scotland’s pollinators, including bees, hoverflies and butterflies, come from intensive agriculture, habitat

From bear spray to midge spray

The Trust’s newest member of staff in the north of Scotland has swapped life as a Ranger in the Yukon for overseeing conservation work on some of our most spectacular

Trust welcomes bolder approach to deer management

The Trust has welcomed measures set out by the Scottish Government to improve deer management. These include ensuring a tougher approach is taken to ensure collaborative management plans are delivered,

Improvements coming to Luggiebank Wood

The Trust has received funding from Viridor Credits Environmental Company, through the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund, to make Luggiebank Wood Wildlife Reserve a better place for people and wildlife. As

Trust sets out blueprint for land stewardship

The Trust has published a new blueprint for rural payments after Brexit. Our Land Stewardship Policy is a blueprint for government policy. It shows how land management should be supported

Dr Hugh Ingram – an appreciation

Dr Hugh Ingram, a passionate conservationist and the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Chairman from 1996-1999, passed away in March 2017 at the age of 80. The following appreciation has been written by

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