LM12 has been busy!

I hope that many of you are enjoying our new HD webcam! Our new webcam and streaming equipment have been supported by a kind donation in memory of one of

Loch of the Lowes – Coronavirus update

We would like to remind people that the reserve, woodland trail and hide are closed to the public. With regards to our regular breeding pair of ospreys, rest assured that

LM12 is back at Loch of the Lowes

We’re delighted to let you know that LM12 has returned to Loch of the Lowes for the ninth year. At 15:33 this afternoon we saw him descend onto the nest,

2019 Osprey Season

In the eager anticipation of LM12 and LF15 returning to Loch of the Lowes we have been reflecting on the findings from last year’s breeding season. 2019 was a successful

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!

The first day of spring, this year, will fall on 20th March, yet all over Montrose Basin Wildlife Reserve there are tantalising signs that a new season has already started

How to plant a tree

One of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint and encourage wildlife into your garden is by planting trees. Trees are used by many different types of wildlife as

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