Intruding ospreys

Over the last couple of weeks at Loch of the Lowes there have been a lot of what we like to call “intruding ospreys”. As seen in the video below,

NC0 lays her third egg!

At 7:41 am this morning we were ecstatic to see NC0 lay her third egg. While the usual number of eggs for an established breeding pair is two to three,

NC0 lays her second egg

At 8.04 am yesterday (Wednesday 14th April) we were delighted to see NC0 lay her second egg.   As expected, NC0 stood up shortly after laying which gave us all

NC0 lays an egg!

At 10:18am on Sunday the 11th April, NC0 laid her first egg of the season! This is particularly exciting as this is the first egg NC0 has laid on our

April snow at Loch of the Lowes

Over Easter weekend our ospreys have had a wide range of weather to contend with. Despite Saturday being lovely and sunny with temperatures reaching almost 20 degrees Celsius, Sunday brought

Hedgehogs in the garden

As the days are getting longer and the weather warms up, we are delighted to notice the re-appearance of our much-loved hedgehogs. These lovely small mammals spend the winter months

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