An afternoon in the Top Hide at Lowes

Here is a lovely piece written by Alwyn, one of our trusty volunteers, who is a regular Guide in the Hide at Loch of the Lowes. This describes her time

Loch of the Lowes Ospreys

Just a quick update today to say LM12 and PH2 have not been seen around the loch. They may be fishing on one of the other lochs in the glen

A siege of herons

The number of herons around the basin has been a common topic of conversation lately at the visitor centre. Almost without fail, there’s always at least one grey heron standing

Hen Harrier Day on Eigg

This Eigg blog post comes from Kirsty, one of our two Conservation Volunteers for August.  Here Kirsty talks about our Hen Harrier Day event. Hen Harrier Day is a nationwide

Update from the Assistant Ranger team!

The end of August marks the beginning of the final month of our placement as Assistant Rangers at Loch of the Lowes. Recently, we’ve been carrying out a beaver impact

Marvellous Moths at Cander Moss

Volunteering at the Falls of Clyde is great fun, with no two days ever being quite the same! My highlight this week was on nearby Cander Moss, where with the

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