One last blog

I think I have one of the best-positioned desks ever. If I am inside working on something I can watch what’s going on outside whether that be the daily occurrence

How can you help a Hedgehog?

In the past ten years the UK’s hedgehog population has declined by around one third, but it’s not too difficult for us humans to help boost the health, and hopefully

Bat to Basics

The Brilliant Bats talk and walk on Sunday 2nd kick-started our bat month at Loch of the Lowes. On our walk and from the hide we managed to see and

Mysterious Lacewings

A while ago now Jenny and I spotted something fluttering just off the edge of the path while doing our bumblebee walk. Not being able to ID it we took

Eager Beavers

As our osprey family wing their way south we’re also coming to the end of our season of People’s Postcode Lottery Beaver Watches here at Loch of the Lowes. These

What is Lichen?

At this time of year, when the trees begin to thin we can see much more of what’s going on in the forest canopy, including the lichen that lines the

Last of the summer signs

Suddenly, it’s the first week of September and already the first signs of Autumn are showing. The mornings are a bit colder, some plants are going to seed, and it’s

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