Making room for meadows

Wildflower meadows are incredibly valuable for wildlife, but in the UK we have lost most of them. At the Falls of Clyde we are bringing one back to life.

Wild Trivia: Hello Yellow

You may have noticed a theme emerging over the last few weeks and – you’ve guessed it – number nine in our Wild Trivia series is all things yellow! When

The natural phenomenon of the mayfly hatch

Wildlife enthusiasts will have that certain time of year on the wildlife calendar that is their favourite. Whether it be the mad March hares boxing at the start of Spring,

Wild Trivia: Orange Menagerie

The eighth in our Wild Trivia series features ten species that have the colour orange as a dominant or distinguishing feature – how many can you identify? When you’ve given

Wild Trivia: Seeing Red

Number seven in our Wild Trivia series featured ten species with ‘red’ in their common name – how many can you identify? When you’ve given it your best shot, scroll

Bumper year for bird cherry ermines

Some trees at the Falls of Clyde seem to have been wrapped in finely-spun cobwebs lately. But who (or what) is behind this phenomenon? Meet the bird cherry ermine moth.

Love is in the air for Jupiter’s damsels

With 11 different ponds around the reserve, Jupiter Urban Wildlife Centre is a haven for damselflies.  These beautiful creatures are also voracious predators and have a fascinating life cycle. Male

Wild Trivia: Wildflowers

The sixth in our Wild Trivia series is a test of your wildflower ID skills. When you’ve given it your best shot, scroll to the bottom and click the link

The dangers of wildfires

The dangers of wildfires: how they start, what to do and the damage they cause. In the past three weeks, the fire service have been out four times to the

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