50 years back, 50 years forward

  Transcript of an address given by Scottish Wildlife Trust Chief Executive Jonny Hughes at National Members’ Day on 20 September 2014.   In recent years, the Trust has developed

Trust warns of disturbance risk

The Trust is issuing a warning to members of the public out enjoying wildlife to be aware of signs warning not to disturb breeding birds. This comes after an incident

Lantern making at Falls of Clyde

There will be an exciting opportunity to enjoy a lantern making workshop and parade at the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Falls of Clyde Visitor Centre on Sunday 10 November.  The lantern making

Fright by lantern light at the Falls of Clyde

Join the team at the Falls of Clyde, New Lanark, for a fright-filled evening to celebrate Halloween in style! The evening will begin by making pumpkin night lights and witches' brooms,

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