The Tay Marshes SSSI: talk and Q&A
Join us for a talk about the wildlife of the head of Loch Tay and the Loch Tay Marshes SSSI, with time for Q&As after. At the head of Loch …
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Join us for a talk about the wildlife of the head of Loch Tay and the Loch Tay Marshes SSSI, with time for Q&As after. At the head of Loch …
Speaker Annie Ives works for Bumblebee Conservation Trust on a local project called “Skills for Bees: Scotland”, which aims to improve long-term monitoring of bumblebees in the Cairngorms by empowering …
Come and hear about the wonderful bats that we have in Scotland! Jean Oudney, bat ecologist, biology teacher and a committee member of Tayside Bat Group, will reveal some fascinating …
Join us for a talk by Joe Connelly, Species Protection and Information Officer at Scottish Badgers, for an insight into the lives of badgers and the threats they face. Joe, …
Lucy Stanfield-Jenner is Head of Natural Capital in Scotland with Savills, advising clients on all aspects of emerging carbon and nature markets and landscape restoration opportunities. This talk will explain …
Heart of Scotland Forest Partnership Day of Action at Garth Wood, Keltneyburn. Join our ranger and partners from the ‘Heart of Scotland Forest Partnership’ for a day of practical conservation …
Heart of Scotland Forest Partnership Day of Action at Braes of Foss and Schiehallion Join our ranger and partners from the Heart of Scotland Forest Partnership for a day of …
Join the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Perthshire Ranger and rangers from the Heart of Scotland Forest partnership for a day of bracken bashing to help protect juniper (one of Scotland’s three …
Join our ranger team and partners from the ‘Heart of Scotland Forest Partnership’ for a day of practical conservation work. Begin with a wander through the orchid and wildflower meadow …
Join our ranger and partners from the Heart of Scotland Forest Partnership for a day of footpath work at Dun Coillich Community Woodland, next to Schiehallion, where we will be …