The lichens of Scotland’s rainforests

Join us for an online talk by Dr Oliver Moore of Plantlife, on the lichens of Scotland’s rainforests. This online talk will explore the world of lichens within Scotland’s temperate

Where do cuckoos go?

Steve Willis from the British Trust for Ornithology will explain some of the work done to track migrants on their perilous journeys. Meet at Trinity Church, Manse Place, Falkirk FK1

The reserves and wildlife around Falkirk

Come along to the Falkirk Group’s last meeting of the year! Our December talk will be from Chris Kilmartin, the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s East Central Ranger. Learn about some of

Falkirk Countryside Rangers – what we do

Lesley Sweeney, Falkirk Council Countryside Ranger, will give an in-person talk explaining the work of the Countryside Rangers in managing habitat, and surveying and monitoring wildlife. Volunteers can add to

Alpine plants of Europe

Join us for this live talk by John Holland, SRUC. John is one of our regular and popular speakers with an impressive knowledge of plants. No doubt this talk will

Policing wildlife crime

Join us for this live talk by Alan Stewart, author and retired Wildlife Crime Officer with the police. This talk will include many years of personal experience as a Wildlife

Butterfly and wildlife walk at Fallin Bing

Come along and join us, at the start of the Big Butterfly Count, to learn how you can contribute to conservation science! The Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Stirling and Clackmannanshire Group

Fundraising stalls

Come along and support fundraising for conservation projects. We will have a ‘Bottle Stall’ or Tombola, a plant stall with hardy garden perennials raised locally, and indoor plants. Taking place

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